
Moderator: Модераторы Mercenaries


Post Number:#1  Postby Versus » 07 Sep 2013, 17:35

We’re glad to announce the launch of the so-called " “Donation”", which means the possibility to buy the forum’s currency and its various services for the real money.

So what can you buy for the real money?
First of all, you can certainly buy our forum’s currency.

What can you spend our forum’s currency on?

As you know, the game Fianna_Mercenaries closely connected to the forum’s currency.
While playing, you gain coins and spend them on buying armor, weapons, alchemy etc. By purchasing our forum’s currency for the real money, you may get a one-off increase of your wealth in Mercenaries and a great chance to dress up.
But that is not all!
In the nearest future mode’s update we’re planning to introduce the original and absolutely unique things which will be available only by donating. We’ll inform separately on this novelty.

There is the so-called "Store",at the forum, where you can buy different stuff for the forum’s currency. For example, the "Artefacts". The range will soon be updated. Maybe here we’ll also offer some unique pieces for direct donation.

So if you are eager to purchase our forum’s currency for the real money, the rate of exchange will be the following: 1 USD for 2500 coins (4 USD for 10000 coins).
The formula for calculating the rate may be changed at any time at our discretion.


Z306978949429 (USD)

While paying don’t forget to indicate your profile at the portal.

 ! VERSUS wrote:
To accelerate the process of enrollment of the forum’s currency please after you send your donation write a private message about your transaction to K700
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