Fianna Mercenaries Unban Request Form

Moderator: Модераторы Mercenaries

Fianna Mercenaries Unban Request Form

Post Number:#1  Postby Versus » 12 Aug 2014, 13:36

In order to be unbaned оn our Fianna Mercenaries servers you should fill in the following form:

1. Your nickname (in the game)
2. Server where you were banned
3. When you were banned (date, time)
4. Reason why you were banned
5. Admin who banned you
6. Reason why we should unban you

Applications for 20 minutes bans will not be accepted!

You can apply for Unban ONLY 24 hours affter you were banned!

Banlist is in tavern.
M&B Status:
Reputation point: 23

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