Your administrators and admin in the game must learn English

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Iam not sure if this is the right place to post this topic,but if its not i hope it i will not by deleted and some one can read it and get little bit attention to this.
So the deal is when i ask administrator or admin in the game for somting - they must help me right ?
But the problem is they dont know english at all,noting personal to you guy's but there are players who dont know russian,so i hope you can get my point of view.
Let me do it this way-if you where russian in english server,what you will do ?
Its same with me,but iam englishman in russian server...i hope you understand me and thanks for the time,have a nice day :)
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  • BodyGuard
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BodyGuard писал(а):Let me do it this way-if you where russian in english server,what you will do ?

In this situation russian player have to speak english because on english servers nobody asks admin to know russian, you get my point...
and i'm assure you that here are 100% more englishspeaking admins then russianspeaking admins on english servers.
Have a good day and do not hesitate on playing on our servers.
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There is a foreign section on this forum, if you didn't know. It was your own choice to play on this server, so deal with it. I don't see Russian players playing on English servers complaining they don't speak Russian over there.
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I am Russian, but English writing clever than he :)

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 53 секунды:
Re: Your administrators and admin in the game must learn English
Find a friend of Russia, who will understand English
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 ! Gwynbleidd писал(а):
Тема перенесена в раздел Foreigners.


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Hello there , I will say it short and clearly:

it's not really like you go on English server and ask if they speak Russian. Well, you know why ? Cause English is the INTERNATIONAL language that everyone should study, and with English people can communicate through the world without problems, in the other case, Russian ISN'T international, that's why your admins should know English too, have a good day.
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  • RomaniaEtho
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I personally do not like the phrase "your admins should" .... I would in your place, wrote "it would be great if your admins will know"
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